Post structure
The post template can be found in /_includes/post.html
. It renders the posts from the /_post
Each post has to have a certain structure which consists of the YAML front matter and of the body part.
The YAML front matter
jekyll-octopod’s YAML front matter is an extension of Jekyll’s YAML front matter.
The attributes that can be set here are best described with the following example; they are quite self-explanatory:
title: Episode 0
subtitle: Getting Started Is Never Easy
summary: Otherwise the summary is the first paragraph of the show notes
### datum: this is no longer necessary, but in de or en installations, it is still respected
datum: March 22nd 2016
layout: post
author: Arne and Stefan
explicit: 'no'
duration: '0:03:13' # 'hh:mm:ss'
mp3: episode0.mp3
ogg: episode0.ogg
m4a: episode0.m4a
### File size is only necessary, if assets are not hosted in the episodes directory.
mp3: 123456
ogg: 234567
m4a: 345678
- '00:00:00.000 Intro.'
- '00:00:30.000 ... Shoubidoubidoo ...'
- '00:02:45.000 Outro.'
- 'a tag'
- 'another tag'
- name: 'John Doe'
uri: ''
email: ''
- name: 'Jane Doe'
uri: ''
email: ''
### image: only filename to be provided here, image should be put in /img directory; optional
image: episode17.png
image_title: My Image Title for Episode 17
The body
The body part can contain arbitrary markdown content.
At minimum a short text, the web player (embedded in an iframe) and some links are recommended. For example:
Getting started is hard.
{{ podigee_player page }}
## Show Notes und Links
* Link lists are easily created: [Aua-uff-Code! Podcast](
* another link to [Jekyll](
Audio and script tags get filtered out of the body for feed creation, so that they do not disturb in podcatchers rendering the shown notes.
You can create scientific formulas using the full MathJax syntax
Continue reading with Contributions.